- Your service
- GDPR/Data Protection
- Freedom of Information
- Disclosure Log
- 2023 - FOI requests
- FOI 1825 - Disciplinary...
1a. How many operational staff (grey book employees) are currently (as of 17/1/23) subject to live or ongoing GROSS/SERIOUS misconduct disciplinary investigations? - 2
1b. How many of these involved allegations of sexual harassment? - Exempt by virtue of section 40 of Act (as amended by Schedule 19 of the Data Protection Act 2018).
1c. How many of these involved allegations of racism?- please refer to answer to 1b.
2a. How many operational staff (grey book employees) were subject to GROSS/SERIOUS misconduct disciplinary investigations in 2022? - 6
2b. How many of these involved allegations of sexual harassment? - 2
2c. How many of these involved allegations of racism? - 0
3. How many operational staff (grey book employees) work at your fire service? - 560 as of 20/01/23
Last updated: Friday, 16 February 2024