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- 2023 - FOI requests
- FOI 1901 - Stairlift pr...
How many call outs to homes made by the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service were related to injuries or problems with stairlifts in (a) 2019, (b) 2020, (c) 2021, and (d) 2022?
Currently the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service Incident Recording System (IRS) has insufficient facilities for the comprehensive recording, and subsequent analysis, of the involvement of stairlifts at incidents attended. Therefore, CFRS can only provide information based on a keyword search (‘stairlift’, ‘stair lift’). Consequently, the search may not locate all incidents involving stairlifts unless this keyword was recorded on the incident logs.
Year | Total Incidents |
2019 | 4 |
2020 | 8 |
2021 | 4 |
2022 | 7 |
Last updated: Friday, 16 February 2024