We publicise our services throughout this website. For more information about our services please use the following links:
We do not charge for information which is provided on our website and, if required, we will provide hard copies on request.
Please phone 01606 868704 or email freedom-of-information@cheshirefire.gov.uk
We are permitted to choose to deliver some specific services in addition to our statutory emergency response and safety work. We are allowed to charge for these additional services.
Currently the additional services and charges are:
Copy of an Incident Report - £10
Interview with FS personnel (with FS witness) - £104.00
These are exempt from VAT.
For more details or to request these services please send an email to opaadminhub@cheshirefire.gov.uk or contact the Operational Policy and Assurance Department on 01606 868 777 for any queries.
Last updated: Tuesday, 13 June 2023