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- Key information
- Statement of Assurance
The Authority has a responsibility to publish a Statement of Assurance on an annual basis as part of the National Framework requirements. This sets out the approach taken to ensure the appropriate arrangements are in place in terms of governance and operational delivery.
Please use the links below to view the Statement of Assurance and the evidence document:
Draft Statement of Assurance 2023-24 v1
The Statement of Assurance 2023-24 is in draft format. This is due to some of the evidence included within the document not yet been live. As each piece of evidence becomes live and published, the Statement of Assurance for 2023-24 will be updated.
For further information about the Statement of Assurance, please email Donna Linton, Governance and Corporate Planning Manager, donna.linton@cheshirefire.gov.uk
Please use the links below to view previous Statement of Assurance
Statement of Assurance 2022-23 (new window)
Statement of Assurance 2021-22 (new window)
Statement of Assurance 2020-21 (new window)
Statement of Assurance 2019-20 (new window)
Statement of Assurance 2018-19 (new window)
Statement of Assurance 2017-18 (new window)
Last updated: Tuesday, 25 March 2025